lundi 12 février 2018

reparation d'office 365 en ligne de commande

Pour réinstaller office 365 en ligne de commande on utilise l'application click to run

« C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ClickToRun\OfficeClickToRun.exe »  scenario=Repair DisplayLevel=True RepairType=QuickRepair

à adapter selon le tableau ci-dessous: 

Here is the list of variables that can be used with OfficeClickToRun.exe:
Possible Values 



x86 | x64

Need to specify the platform version of Office.  x86 is for the 32-bit version of Office. x64 is for the 64-bit version of Office. Mandatory
Need to specify the language identifier for the version of Office that is installed .  If multiple languages are installed, just need to specify one of the languages and not all.  For example, if English Office is installed the ll-cc value will be en-us.  See here for the full list of Office language identifiers. Mandatory
True | False

If set to True will close all Office applications prior to running the Repair.  If Office applications are open and forceappshutodwn is not used or set to False, the Repair will fail. Optional
QuickRepair | FullRepair 
This specifies if the user is going to run a Quick repair (QuickRepair) or an Online Repair (FullRepair).  Note - if running an Online repair, all Office applications will be reinstalled and will override any settings made in the configuration.xml file. Optional
True | False 
Setting the DisplayLevel to True will show a full UI and setting it to False will make the UI silent. Optional

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